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Welcome to the Munich Music Video Awards, where music videos become art. Our festival showcases the world’s most innovative and creative music videos, created by talented directors from around the globe. We celebrate the different genres in the music and film industry, from indie to mainstream. Our festival allows directors to shine and brings their imagination to life.



Best Music Video

Season June  2024

Karim Naser "Something Gonna Happen Now"

Max Ksienda


The mission of the Munich Music Video Awards is to expand the boundaries of traditional filmmaking by creating a "visual symphony" in which music will play a major role.

Merging picture with music creates long awaited “integral cinematography” providing additional dimension and power to visual messages. At the same time it gives the second life to music itself, allowing us to visualize images inspired by melodies, often lost in our subconscious.

The winners of main categories /Best Music Music Video, Best Munich Music Video, Best Director Music Video, Best Cinematography, Best Production, Best Actor Music Video,
Best Actress Music Video/ will be presented on physical event once a year in our ANNUAL CEREMONY.

As one of the youngest genres in the film industry, it is a video clip, an audio-visual work whose sound component is the whole or substantially a record of the artistic performance of a musical work.


IMDb  qualified festival

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